
When you add water to an urban environment the liveability index skyrockets!

CLARA has created an Integrated Water Plan that will maximise water resources for multiple uses. This will optimise water capture and re-use and provide security of supply. The aim of this system is to supply and harvest as much water as possible from sources internal to a CLARA smart City.

Water is a crucial element to any new or existing city. CLARA has incorporated a recreational water plan through its smart city design. People want access to recreational water facilities.

An Integrated Water Plan

Alternate water supply (for water security)
Water treatment plant
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Development hub
Rainwater Tank
Stormwater Treatment
High Density Residential

Recreational water facilities

The facilities include:

  • A recreational lake that can offer rowing, sailing, waterfront swimming pools and boardwalks.
  • A canal network running throughout the city which adds to the residential amenity.
  • An urban beach

Water is a precious resource in Australia and around the world. As a society, we must be really smart about how we use and manage water. CLARA has thought about this a lot!

Join us

CLARA has a bold vision, a world-leading team of professionals and the plan needed to re-balance the Australian settlement and re-imagine Australian cities.

We invite you to join us in our plan to help build the next chapter in the Australian story- one built on the value of our people and the innovation-driving revolution in our cities and infrastructure development. Enter your email to join our mailing list.